Missouri State Fair Angus Carcass Contest
Briarwood Angus Farms, (Curtis W. Long) Butler, MO and the Missouri Angus Association awards $1,000 to the Grand Champion on-the-rail overall carcass winner IF the steer is a registered, purebred Angus and exhibited by a 4-H or FFA youth exhibitor. Also awarded is $750 for the top placing and $550 for the second place, and $250 for the third place, on-the-rail carcass steers that are registered, purebred Angus and exhibited by a 4-H or FFA youth. In 2023, yet another category was introduced for the first time. The highest revenue or dollar generating Angus steer now annually receives a $250 cash prize.
Also awarded is $500 for the top placing and $300 for the second place on-the-rail carcass steers that are registered, purebred Angus and exhibited by a 4-H or FFA youth. $300 is awarded if the Grand Champion on-foot winner is a registered, purebred Angus steer and exhibited by a 4-H or FFA exhibitor. $200 is given to any 4-H or FFA junior member with a purebred Angus that enters in all three (3) classes: Angus steer, On-foot carcass steer and the Carcass contest. Must pre-register to be eligible for prize money by meeting MSF deadline and submitting a copy of registration papers and your complete entry form to Dr. Curtis Long, 2110 NW St. Rt. 52, Butler, MO 64730, by June 30. Cash Prize awards are presented at the Missouri Angus Association’s annual banquet and the exhibitors must be present to receive monetary awards. Contact: Curtis W. Long, 2110 NW St. Rt. 52, Butler, MO 64730 (660-679-3459).
2023 marked the 25th year to sponsor! The added prize money is significant for 4-H and FFA youth exhibitors for championships, as well as participation.
The rules are simple: Enter in the Youth Angus Market Steer Show and the Open Carcass Steers Live Evaluation & Carcass Contest.
Please remember, for exhibitors to be eligible for prize money, they must meet MSF entry deadline.
Trophies are awarded at the fair and the cash portion of the awards will be presented at the Missouri Angus Association’s Annual Banquet. Exhibitors must be present to receive cash awards.
For more Information
Curtis W. Long 660-679-3459
David Warfield 660-679-3395
Missouri State Fair Angus Carcass Contest
Briarwood Angus Farms, as a driving force behind youth Angus exhibitors has instituted two prestigious Angus carcass contests at the state and national levels to encourage young producers to pursue excellence.
In 1998, Doc Long established the Missouri State Fair Angus Carcass Contest. FFA and 4-H members interested in exhibiting an Angus steer in the Missouri State Fair must pre-register to be eligible for multiple cash prizes. Briarwood Angus Farms (BWF) requires junior exhibitors to enter in both Angus Steer classes – Angus Steer and On the foot Carcass Steer & Carcass Contest, to earn portions of the prize money donated by BWF.
Awards also may include director chairs, halters or other keepsakes in addition to cash prizes and ribbons. The cash portion of the awards is presented at the Missouri Angus Association’s Annual Banquet and the exhibitors must be present for the awards to be received.
Take a look at some of the 2017 MSF Angus Carcass contenders.
NJAA Carcass Contest Endowed by Briarwood
Missouri Couple Honored for Commitment to Youth
Sep. 23, 2011
Carrie Gilliam, American Angus Association public relations intern,
Milford Jenkins, Angus Foundation president
Dr.Curtis and Ann Long of Briarwood Angus Farms, Butler, Mo., have been committed to not only the quality of the Angus breed but also the development of youth programs.
Because of their generosity, the Angus Foundation inducted the Longs into the Honorary Angus Foundation during the 2011 National Junior Angus Show (NJAS), July 15 in Harrisburg, Pa.
The National Junior Angus Association (NJAA) selects Angus supporters who possess a profound dedication to Angus youth and serve as strong supporters of the NJAA.
The Longs were honored for their continued donations in support of the Angus Foundation and NJAA.
With emphasis placed on the value of carcass information, the Longs established the Briarwood Angus Farm Curtis and Ann Long Endowment Fund to provide funds for the Carcass Steer Contest awards at the National Junior Angus Show (NJAS).
“We wanted to help the development of junior Angus members and help them to know the true meaning of carcass value and the Angus breed,” Dr. Curtis Long says.
The Longs first provided cash awards and other premiums to the top ten entries at the 2008 Carcass Steer Contest in Des Moines, Iowa. All carcasses that met Certified Angus Beef© standards received an additional 25% in premiums.
“The Longs set the standard in supporting Angus youth,” says Hannah McCabe, an Elk City, Kan., junior member and recipient of Long’s generosity. “I have toured Briarwood Angus Farms and know of their desire to produce functional cattle that excel in carcass traits.”
By funding the permanent endowment, the Longs hope Angus youth will become knowledgeable about all segments of the beef industry beyond the show ring.
“We continue to be extremely grateful to Dr. Curtis and Ann Long for their generous donations and commend their dedication to supporting the next generation of Angus breeders through this endowment fund that will carry their legacy in the Angus breed,” says , Angus Foundation president.
The Longs made a recent donation to the Angus Foundation, purchasing the 2011 Angus Foundation Heifer Package. All proceeds will help fund education, youth and research initiatives in the Angus breed and agricultural industry.
Briarwood Angus Farms is one of the oldest herds in Missouri and continues to produce quality genetics for the commercial cattleman.
Long says it is an honor to be a part of the Honorary Angus Foundation, and he plans to continue to support the American Angus Association and all its entities.
In 1985 the NJAA initiated the Honorary Angus Foundation to recognize those who have shown extraordinary interest and support for young members of the American Angus Association. In 1985, the NJAA board of directors honored seven Angus breeders as the first inductees of the Honorary Angus Foundation. Today, three inductees are honored annually. Any member of the Association is eligible to nominate individuals or organizations for the Honorary Angus Foundation. Visit www.angus.org to learn more or to nominate next year’s Honorary Angus Foundation inductees. The Angus Foundation was established in 1980 as a not-for-profit 501c3 organization to support Angus education, youth and research. To learn more about the Angus Foundation and the programs it supports, call the American Angus Association at 816-383-5100 or go to www.angusfoundation.org.
Learn about more ways the Longs have been honored for their support of young beef producers.
from Briarwood Angus Farms
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