The “Long” Honor Roll
2017 Life-Time Achievement Awards
Missouri Angus Pioneer Breeder
Doc Long was recognized for breeding excellent Angus cattle since 1964. The award acknowledges his unwavering commitment to the breed, the Missouri junior Angus Association members and the beef community at large.
Missouri Cattlemen’s Association Pioneer Breeder
MCA membership celebrated the fierce devotion of Curtis Long to his Angus breed and to the beef industry at large through his ongoing efforts to develop cattle with the consumer in mind, and for his unwavering support of proactive policies that enhance fair market value, encourage youth in agriculture and provide opportunities for Missouri’s beef cattle herd to thrive.
Dr. Curtis Long, Missouri
A pioneer in rural health care, Dr. Curtis Long has been breeding Angus cattle and building his medical practice in Butler, Mo., for more than 50 years. Briarwood Angus Farms encompasses nearly 2,000 acres, including 320 acres of native prairie. The 220-head registered Angus herd was built on genetics from the Wye Plantation, purchased when the farm was established in 1964.
Long was a charter member of U.S. Premium Beef®. Today, Briarwood cattle consistently grade over 90% Choice, with more than 50% qualifying for the Certified Angus Beef® (CAB®) brand. The farm hosts an annual production sale, where they offer approximately 50 bulls and 40 females each year.
An advocate for Angus youth and the Angus Foundation, Long established an endowment to sponsor the carcass steer competition at the National Junior Angus Show (NJAS). The 2013 NJAS in Kansas City, Mo., was dedicated to Long and his wife, Ann.
The son of humble farmers, Long grew up near Festus, Mo., and later attended the University of Missouri (MU) in Columbia. He holds a bachelor’s degree in agricultural biochemistry and graduated from MU’s medical school in 1963.
The 2010 Missouri Physician of the Year, Long was recognized by MU’s School of Medicine for developing a residents training program that teaches physicians the skills necessary for bringing comprehensive care to rural areas.
Curtis and Ann Long have two adult sons, Curtis and Kent, who are former National Junior Angus Association members.
2015 Angus Heritage Foundation Inductee
Angus Heritage Foundation Recognizes Devoted Leaders
Four individuals recognized for outstanding contributions to the Angus breed.
The Angus breed and the American Angus Association owe an incalculable debt to the many men and women who have worked tirelessly to make Angus cattle and the organization leaders in the beef cattle business.
Each year, the Association recognizes breed leaders and their contributions by inducting individuals into the Angus Heritage Foundation. Four new additions were honored Nov. 5 during the Association’s Awards Recognition Breakfast, hosted as part of the Angus Means Business National Convention & Trade Show.
The 2015 inductees are: C.K. Allen, Montana; Dr. Curtis Long, Missouri; Keith Stevenson, Montana; and the late David Danciger, Colorado. Read more about their contributions in the paragraphs that follow.
Excerpt from Angus Association Media Release Nov. 26, 2015.
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2013 Recognitions for the
Cattleman & Conservationist

Prairie Landowner of the Year
This honor is bestowed annually by the Missouri Prairie Foundation upon an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the cause of prairie through ownership and stewardship.

NJAS Dedication
In recognition of the far reaching and generous contributions to Angus youth by Doc & Ann Long for decades, junior members and the host state committee dedicated the 2013 National Junior Angus Show to the Longs.

2011 Trifecta
Honorary Angus Foundation Award
Through a generous endowment, the Longs have encouraged Angus youth with incentives for breeding and showing carcass worthy Angus genetics. The National Junior Angus Association carcass contest is designed to accurately reflect real-world economics, be easier to understand and have an increased educational value for junior members on the feeder calf sector of the beef industry.

Bates County Pioneer Cattleman
The Bates County Cattlemen selected Dr. Curtis W. Long to be their 2011 Pioneer Cattleman of the Year.
Friend of Bates Co. 4-H
2011 Bates County Fair named Doc Long the “Friend of Bates County 4-H” for his years of faithful loyalty to the fair.
There’s a Reason they Call Him “Doc”
2010 Missouri’s Physician of the Year
Doc has distinguished himself as one who invests in the future of rural America through livestock, land and lives. As a doctor he works just as hard to help the rural community by providing an array of essential services to rural patients. He has cared for the same community for over 50 years, performing more than 10,000 surgical procedures, delivering more than 4,000 babies and admitting over 50,000 patients to hospitals. He independently developed a new tonsillectomy procedure that is relatively painless. Doc was recognized as the 2010 Missouri’s Physician of the Year and also recognized by MU’s School of Medicine for developing a residents’ training program that teaches new physicians skills necessary for bringing comprehensive care to rural areas. Read more at Delivering Health Care to Rural America the Long Way.