Briarwood Genetics Perform Significantly Higher in Purina® Feed Conversion Test
As part of Purina’s commitment to research-proven products that perform for cattle owners, local feeding demonstrations of new products are often conducted with customers.
In the past two years, Purina® has partnered with Briarwood Angus in feeding demonstrations with weaning feeds. In the fall of 2019, two drafts of calves were weaned in September and October and fed Purina® Accuration® Starter Complete with RX3TM in a bulk self-feeder. Calves were weighed at weaning and 17 days later after consuming an average of 306 lbs of feed. The Briarwood calves gained an average of 4.04 lbs per day with a feed conversion efficiency of 4.5 lbs of feed per pound of gain. In the fall of 2020, the calves were fed 5 lbs of Purina® Stress Care® 5 with free choice hay and stockpiled fall pasture. After consuming 100 lbs of the Stress Care® 5 per head, the calves were weighed and had gained an average of 3.4 lbs per day which demonstrates the Briarwood cattle’s ability to thrive on forage with appropriate supplementation. In either year there was no death loss, no digestive issues such as bloat, and no antibiotic treatments needed for respiratory disease. With both starter programs, the performance significantly exceeds the average performance of other feeding demonstrations conducted by Purina®.
This performance significantly exceeds the average performance of other feeding demonstrations conducted by Purina. — N.T. Cosby, PhD, Sr. Consulting Nutritionist, Purina®
The results achieved at Briarwood with Purina® feed exemplifies Purina® Founder William Danforth’s 4-Square Philosophy for successful animal production: good genetics, good health, good husbandry and good nutrition. When evaluating your next investment in genetics and nutrition, consider Briarwood Angus and Purina® Animal Nutrition for the value offered.
Putting Briarwood Genetics to Work in the Real World
Our experience in feeding cattle in western Missouri at Briarwood Farms means utilizing pasture longer and limiting the time calves are in the feedlot to only 45 days, while achieving Prime and Choice grades at harvest. Custom Processed Beef Halves and Wholes are now available through our Briarwood Angus Quality Beef program. Detailed below are the methods we use to assure our beef customers the most flavorful and tender beef they’ve ever eaten.
We steer approximately 50% of our bull calf crop and feed all heifers that do not meet our strict criteria as replacement females. Beginning at weaning and up until they reach approximately 1000 pounds, calves will have access to ample grass consisting mostly of fescue, ladino clover and lespedeza. They’ll run to a large round bale filled with prairie hay when needed and we supplement with a ration of 1/3 pelleted corn gluten, 1/3 ground corn and 1/3 ground prairie hay. Hand feeding allows for close observation and further develops much of the great disposition we’ve bred into our calves.
The yearlings are then implanted and put on a self-feeder, while still enjoying grass
pasture. The ration is composed of corn and Purina® supplement and calves will remain on it until they reach approximately 1400 pounds. The last 45 days they are placed in a dry feedlot, prior to being harvested at National Beef through U.S. Premium Beef® in Dodge City, KS. and/ or commissioned into our Briarwood Angus Quality Beef program to go to other USDA inspected lockers for custom processing for our beef buying customers.
Our fall calves are usually harvested in January at 16 months of age and the spring calves usually go out in June at 15-16 months of age. It is typical for a load at U.S. Premium Beef® to grade 30% prime with 100% choice or better and 95% qualifying for CAB®.
We turn this kill data into the American Angus Association and find carcass data and performance information very useful in our management of the herd here at Briarwood. We’ve harnessed Angus genetics that are adaptable and functional for our region and reduced the number of days on feed, while producing prime beef. From pasture to prime, Briarwood Angus breeds and feeds for profitable carcass genetics. — Doc & Dave
As a charter member of US Premium Beef®, Briarwood Angus Farms understands value added products and is proud of superior stock that consistently produce calves that grade over 90% Choice, with more than 50% qualifying for Certified Angus Beef©.
There are many brands of beef, but only one Angus brand exceeds expectations for the most flavorful, tender and juicy cuts. Since 1978, the Certified Angus Beef® brand, as the original, has set the bar for high-quality beef and premium programs.
Not all Angus beef is created equal. Each Angus program varies in its set of standards, not always delivering consumers the quality they expect. That’s where the Certified Angus Beef® brand shines, consistently providing consumers the high-quality beef they crave.
The brand relies on a set of 10 strict quality specifications – developed by leading scientists, researchers and academics – to consistently deliver a superior beef-eating experience. The brand begins with Angus-influenced cattle, which are known to produce more highly marbled beef, but, in fact, only 1 in 4 Angus cattle meet the brand’s high standards. Briarwood Angus Quality Beef makes the grade!
I can’t emphasize enough the end product and I remain committed to the longstanding reputation of industry-leading Angus genetics. — Dr. Curtis W. Long
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