We are designing genetics that are out of this world to launch our customers into a better BEEF universe!
3 Ways to Bid Next Sale Day
Mark Your Calendar for Mar. 16, 2025
Live Auction at the Farm
Our Bull & Female Sale on Mar. 16, 2025, will include a live auction as usual at the farm, with videos and/or photos of each lot available ringside. Come early to view lots on display and join us for a complimentary lunch.
Saturday, Mar. 15, 2025
Cattle available for viewing 3 to 5 pm.
For earlier viewing, please contact
Manager David Warfield.
Sunday, Mar. 16, 2025
Cattle available for viewing before the sale
11:30 a.m. - Lunch served
1:00 p.m. - Cattle Auction beginning with Bulls. Females sell immediately following.
Live on-site Auction conducted by Col. Bill Nance, Nance Auction Service, Sheldon, MO. Contact: 417-214-0093 or nanceauctionservice@yahoo.com
Load out at conclusion of sale.
Phone In Bids Ahead of Sale
For those who are not able to attend in person, you are welcome to contact our trusted farm sales staff ahead of the sale to place your bids for lots of interest.
Pre-Sale Phone In Bids:
Please submit phone bids by 12 p.m. Sunday Mar. 16, 2025, to one of the following numbers:
Buyer Registration required. See form here.
Online Bids Sale Day
LiveAuctions.TV will provide the online bidding platform for the sale Mar. 16, 2025. Register ahead of sale day.
Online Streaming of the Auction will be available at LiveAuctions.TV. All bidders who wish to utilize the online platform must register prior to the sale via the website's simple registration form. And will need to login with a user name and password to place bids on sale day.
We may also be live streaming from @BriarwoodAngusFarms
However No bids will be accepted via Facebook newsfeed posts or Messenger texts.
If not attenting in person, bids MUST be placed via the LiveAuctions.TV website in real time, or phoned in to one of the following numbers on or before sale date:
*The Briarwood Sales Team, staff and designated bidders will do their best to accommodate for remote bidding, however, due to the inability to control internet connections and quality of broadcast, as well as phone connections of either sender or receiver, Briarwood Angus Farms, its owner, sales staff, employees and family members will not be liable to any person or entity for the accuracy, completeness, reliability, quality, or timeliness of the livestream provided for this event, or for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, special or punitive damages that may arise out of the use of information we provide to any person or entity (including, but not limited to, lost profits or loss of opportunities that may result from any inaccuracy or incompleteness of the broadcast and/or telephone connection and/or preliminary information).

Fall & Spring Yearling Bulls
You can expect an outstanding set of efficient, growthy, easy-calving, docile, and carcass-conscience herd sire prospects, including A.I. sons of Briarwood Top Game 6013, DE-SU Volunteer B122, SydGen KCF Gavel 8361, GAR Sure Fire, Connealy Cool 39L, Briarwood Quantum 0041, and SAV Rainfall 6846.

Open, Bred & Pairs Females
Look for easy fleshing, docile, and highly productive female prospects with generations of Briarwood cow families to back them up. Selling several young cows with stacked and proven cow families behind them, and a long, productive future ahead of them.
PLUS Youth Heifer Projects!

Our way of saying “Thanks for Your Business”
is to make buying a bull from Briarwood a stellar experience!
Gaze on These Star-Studded Perks

Every year we draw a winner from all of our Bull Buyers who gets to take home a Briarwood Commercial Angus Heifer!
- Every bull buyer is entered in the drawing
- Winner announced at conclusion of the sale
Congratulations to Doug Huston, Houston Farms, Olathe, Ks., who won the 2024 drawing for the commercial Angus heifer, a Briarwood Quantum 0041 daughter. Huston’s purchase of lot 11 – Briarwood Mr Cool 2127, and lot 18 – Briarwood Cool 2134, put him in the running with two chances to win.
Genetics Designed to Make a Measurable Difference
Get In Touch
660-679-3459 – Curtis W. Long, Owner
660-679-3395 – Dave Warfield, Mgr.
2110 NW St. Rt. 52
Butler, MO 64730
Let us know if you are interested in bulls, females, A.I. service or want to be added to our mailing list. While you are filling out the form, please feel free to share with us about your experience with Briarwood Angus genetics. Use our contact form to tell us more!