Welcome to Briarwood

Fine Angus Cattle, Beautiful Native Prairie and Prime Beef

Registered Angus Cattle

Since 1964, Dr. Curtis and Ann Long have been breeding Angus cattle at Briarwood Angus Farms. Genetics from Wye Plantation formed the base of the original herd. Today, through natural and AI service, genetics for the 220 cow herd are still highly selected for functional, good milking cattle that calve easily, without forsaking growth or carcass quality.

Briarwood Native Prairie

Our beautiful Briarwood Native Prairie is a highly managed ecosystem of 320 rolling acres in Bates County Missouri, of which 280 are Native Prairie and the remaining 40 mature timber. There are 273 documented species of plants on the site.  Annually a number of steps are taken to ensure the prairie’s health, beauty and longevity so that generations to come can enjoy her diversity.

Briarwood Prime Beef

As a charter member of US Premium Beef®, BWF understands value added products and is proud of superior stock that consistently produce calves that grade over 90% Choice, with more than 50% qualifying for CAB®. Ready to buy tender beef right from the farm? Then Briarwood Angus Quality Beef is your answer! 

Unbiased Feed Conversion Test Places Briarwood Genetics Well Ahead of Contemporaries See the Results

Briarwood Annual Sale

Every March, around 50 bulls and 40 female lots sell during Briarwood’s Annual Spring Quality Sale. Bull buyers are also treated to special bonuses including the chance of winning the annual draw for a commercial heifer.

Carcass Contests

For more than two decades, Doc Long has partnered with the Missouri Angus Association to sponsor the FFA and 4-H Missouri State Fair Angus Carcass Contest awarding cash and prizes to junior exhibitors who enter in all three Angus Steer classes – Angus Steer, On the foot Carcass Steer and the Carcass Contest. And in 1998 the Longs created a generous endowment to supply awards for the National Junior Angus Carcass Contest. 


Doc Long is an award winning, community minded cattleman, conservationist and surgeon who has served at the local and national levels on multiple boards and dedicated hundreds of hours of volunteer service and countless Angus burgers. 

Ready to make some money with your cattle...

But you feel like you’re missing the mark?

We know it’s rough out there. Markets are fickle. Weather is unpredictable. Input costs up.  Frankly, it’s all out warfare just to raise, feed and get paid fairly for those calves.

You need an ARSENAL of Tips and Tricks to have a fighting chance.

We have the weapons to meet the challenge!

And you can have them for FREE!


5 Secret Weapons to Get More Money for Your Calves


News From the Farm

Now taking orders for Briarwood Angus Quality Beef Wholes and Halves for custom processing. Contact Doc or Dave to arrange for locker delivery.

Open House & Lot Viewing Mar. 5, with MU Meat Carving Demonstration Proves to be Fun & Educational

Long Time Briarwood Customer is Named Missouri Angus Commercial Producer of the Year

Congratulations to our friend Bob Laughlin for receiving the Missouri Angus Association’s 2020 Commercial Producer of the Year! Bob is featured in the April 2021 issue of the Missouri Angus Trails.

More News

From the Farm

Governor Parson Visits Briarwood Angus Farms

Briarwood Angus Farms welcomed Governor Mike Parson and First Lady Teresa Parson on Saturday, Aug. 29. Rainy weather couldn’t dampen the enthusiastic crowd that gathered by special invitation to enjoy a steak and lend their support for the Governor’s campaign.

Gov. Parson arrived with his trademark wide grin. In opening remarks, he expressed considerable gratitude for being among “my kind of people.” Dr. Curtis W. Long welcomed his fellow cattleman, esteeming him as “The best governor ever of Missouri!” In a show of support, Long presented a check to Gov. Parson on behalf of the family and employees of Briarwood Angus Farms.

In addition to the funds raised by those in attendance, the governor also graciously received a campaign contribution from Missouri Cattleman’s Association, presented by MCA Manager of Membership Sydney Thummel, accompanied by the Bates County Cattlemen officer team of Ryan Grimes, President; Austin Black, Vice President; Dave Warfield, Treasurer; Jesse Porter, Secretary/Reporter; Carl Bettles and Lonny Duckworth, State Directors; and Susie Hockett, Bates County CattleWomen President, who represented the membership at large.

“What started as a brief trip turned into an event that raised around $6,000 for our governor,” Thummel said.

Parson’s personal and impassioned farm site chat recapped the roller coaster year of 2020, including record breaking lows for unemployment prior to the pandemic, and unprecedented challenges in the midst of the crisis. He went on to emphasize the importance of rural voters to inform their friends, neighbors and urban acquaintances of his extensive and transparent track record in public service. Closing comments focused on a somber appeal to vote in such a way as to preserve a free republic for the sake of our state’s and our nation’s children.

The Parsons lingered casually, taking time to visit one on one with constituents, before heading out for three more campaign stops that day.

The governor’s appearance at stop number one at Briarwood came as a result of Long’s purchase of an MCA Pac Auction item during the 17th Annual Cattlemen’s Steak Fry in July. Along with the massive campaign sign purchased, which will be placed on Briarwood’s highway front property in Bates County, Gov. Parson committed to the farm visit.

Guests for the event enjoyed steak sandwiches prepared by the Bates County Cattlemen and served by the Bates County CattleWomen. Other sponsors included Heiman Agri Service at Rockville, and Purina®.

I Am Angus: Curtis “Doc” Long

Our Team

It takes a team to cover all the bases at Briarwood. We are blessed to have talented, dedicated friends who devote their time and efforts to care for the land and livestock at Briarwood Angus Farms.

Curtis W. & Ann Long


Briarwood Angus Farms encompasses over 1,900 acres, with 320 acres native prairie, 150 cropland and 1,500 in permanent pasture and is home to 220 registered cows today. From its beginning, Dr. Curtis W. Long, better known as “Doc,” has been actively involved in day to day management. His wife Ann served as bookkeeper until her passing in 2020.

David Warfield - Manager

David Warfield joined our operation in 2002 and brings over 30 years experience in beef cattle management. He works tirelessly in day to day management, seeing to herd health and nutrition, while skillfully selecting and perpetuating genetics that enhance progeny and exponentially advance our herd.

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you!

Briarwood Angus Farms

2110 NW St. Rt. 52

Butler, MO 64730

Curtis W. Long 660-679-3459

David Warfield 660-679-3395

Ride along with us on Facebook
